Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Here we go!

This will be my way of connecting with all of you while I am in Africa. I firmly believe that God has wrecked me in order for me to be able to be ready for this amazing adventure in my life. Feel free to follow My journey and my thoughts.
Just a couple days until I leave...
Today I allowed myself to cry about the unknown. In just a few short days I will be leaving for a new adventure in the new place far far away from home. There is excitement, there is joy, there is sadness, but the only way that's perfect to describe it is bittersweet. I don't know how to prepare to not see my family and my friends and my home. But what I do know is that God has prepared a way and that he has gone before. He has given me a love for a place that I've never been in giving me a heart for people that I have never even met. He's placed me in an area perfect to spread my wings and to start a new adventure. For so long I've hated goodbyes and I've been really bad at them but I have also loved goodbyes because I feel like it's a chance for you to say everything that you've always wanted to say and for people to express how they really feel. Something that is not so common in this world that we live in, being real and true with people and saying just exactly what you wanted to say are moments we let pass us by. We are nervous about what the response will be and how people will feel about what we have just said but what would happen if we just said what we always wanted to say? I felt like I have gotten that opportunity lately to thank you all and to say what I want to say. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of love and support I have received from all of you. I am truly blessed by your prayers and your thoughts and your time to see me and say goodbye.  I am lucky to have people in my life that make saying goodbye so hard. So thank you to those who have laughed with me and cried with me and encouraged me in this adventure in my life but most of all thank you for dreaming big with me and believing in me. Your thoughts and notes and time and prayers mean more to me than you can know. I would ask that you continue to pray not only for me but for Zambia for the people I will encounter and the places I will visit, and pray for my family and that this time away from each other is good and quick for my parents! Thank you all again for your love and support and prayers, you have also prepared a way for me.

Karlie Roberts 


  1. Beautifully written. So proud of who you are.

  2. I'm so excited for the children there to meet you. I know you will heal many people and you will see and do many things to bring hope . I know your heart is moved with compassion for them. We will be praying for angels to stand charge round about you. Enjoy your journey . Rorie and I will pray for you. Love you Ronda
